Steve Garnett

  • MAIN ROLE:                           Lead Investigator
  • SECONDARY ROLE:            Clairsentient/Administrator

I’ve been interested in ghosts, UFO’s and unexplained mysteries from a young age, watching Arthur C. Clark’s Mysterious World and reading ghost stories as a boy. As an adult an interest in mythology and ancient religions lead me in a round about way to joining PART back in 2006.

A handful of investigations stand out as being memorable but perhaps the most memorable venue I have investigated is a pub where PART used to meet. On different occasions I have been one of several people to hear 8 or 9 very clear ghostly footsteps climb the stairs, I’ve talked with a ghost in the cellar, and received information via mediumship backed up other investigators.

Investigating with PART over the years has certainly changed my outlook from theoretical believer to an outright believer in the paranormal. When not investigating potential haunted locations I am training to be a counsellor and volunteer at the local Foodbank. My work with  my spirit guides and Angelic Reiki training helps me give the supernatural perspective to events and activities on investigations while my calm and logical outlook allows me, along with the rest of the team, to look for rational explanations debunking much supposed evidence.

I particularly enjoy coming up with experiments to try and recreate photographs, just as we have done at the National Railway Museum among other venues, trying to recreate a photograph of a boy visible in the window of a rail carriage. I’m looking forward to investigating Edinburgh Vaults sometime in the future, although any big castle would also be an ideal venue for me.